SHINING - VI / Klagopsalmer

  • SHINING - VI / Klagopsalmer

SHINING - VI / Klagopsalmer

As blatantly depressive and misanthropic as past releases have been, something is definitely different about VI. There is no doubt that the morbidity and mortality has shifted focus to something simultaneously brighter and dirtier; this is the bleary-eyed collective of Shining on a cloudy day, not just Niklas Olsson laying bleeding on the ground at twilight. The production has a lot to do with this shift, to put it simply, there are times the guitars sound raunchy as all hell, but this is totally a positive thing. All of the riffs are so up front and in your face, sometimes searing with red-hot rage, and other times pompously laying out caustic black n’ roll with an air of carefree arrogance.

Shining has shoved yet another stake through the heart of black metal, turning eyes to whites, and gushing wicked riffs like wrists sliced with serrated blades. Imperfect as always, and just as nasty as ever. Shine on, you miserable bastards.

Released by Osmose Productions.

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